Published on 28 August 2023

Come, we invite you into our Harry Potter world!!!

Whether you are a child, a teen growing up, a bubbly youth or a middle-aged person or even a senior citizen who has seen many eons passing by, it is difficult to miss ‘living and experiencing’ the life and times of Harry Potter – the fictional central character of seven fantasy novels by British author JK Rowling.

And we at Cakes & Bakes promise to give you an ‘experience you will cherish in celebrating Harry Potter, with our special series of Harry Potter cakes fashioned on the various aspects of his journey through life from the days Harry spent his life living in a cupboard under the stairs in the house of the Dursleys, his aunt, uncle and cousin, Dudley.

Even today, two and half decades after Harry Potter appeared for the first time in the opening novel -Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone (or Philosopher’s Stone) many a Potterhead living across the world that has so far bought over 600 million copies of the seven novels written by Rowling. The appeal of Harry Potter was such that the books have been translated into 85 languages spoken across the globe. 

So, in our Harry Potter series of cakes, you will find us baking the best portrayals of the various aspects of the different stages in the life of Harry Potter, the places he visits, the events in his life, that have jumped out of the books and onto various platforms – whether they be theme parks, supplemental literature, theatre, websites, and of course a series of feature films.

Naturally, all these forms the wide canvas of creatives that our artistic bakers draw inspiration from to deliver to you, your object of desire when it comes to tasteful, colourful, and truthful desserts to celebrate everything you have in life.

Ours is but just a small effort to honour the British Author Rowling whose work inspired a plethora of derivative works, including a studio tour in London, and a pentalogy of spin-off films like Fantastic Beasts, and Where to find them, and themed attractions have been built at various destinations and experiences amusement parks across the world. 

We are also proud to draw inspiration from countless Harry Potter moments to serve you a tasty and memorable experience that injects an element of nostalgic emotions to your celebrations. 

Our bakers will fashion the various landmarks that pepper Harry’s journey – say for example the cupboard he lived in at his Uncle’s, or the Elephant House the café in Edinburgh where Rowling wrote the first part of Harry Potter, Gryffindor House at Hogwarts, and make the various characters he encounters in his life Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger, Lord Voldemort come alive in the carvings on the cakes. 

For, we try to capture all the emotions of the plethora of characters that make the Harry Potter series what it is in our endeavour to present to our customers a bundle of memories that they can carry along with them. 

The fantastic juxtaposition of the two worlds – as symbolised by the realistic and romantic elements of the Harry Potter novels characters – is what we would like to replicate to the extent possible in the preparation of the cakes we serve. 

Have we been able to? 

Well, this is for you to judge. Like countless of our loyal customers, we hope you too would savour the experience, and tell the others. If you find that we need to do something better, different, or more, tell us. 

We take the voice of our customers seriously!